Luybov Nikitina

Backend Python Dev (Junior)

Women, 27 y.o., burn May 31, 1996

City:   Nizhny Novgorod, Russia



Proficient In:   Python, Django, Flask, Asyncio, SQL, DBs (PostgreSQL, SQLite), Docker, Nginx

Familiar With:   JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQLAlchemy, FastAPI, Alembic, Pydantic

Tools Expertise:   MyPy, Poetry, Pytest, flake8, Postman, Bootstrap, Git


I've been learning Python and programming in general for more than 1.5 years. Currently, I don't have any job experience in that field yet, but I possess a strong knowledge base and extensive experience in building pet projects.

For a brief PDF CV, visit the following links: en, ru.
For my complete CV including job experience, access the full document here: en, ru.


I've been learning Python since November 2022. For the first 11 months, I studied on Hexlet to gain the basics of web development. After that, I went deeper with Stepik courses covering Python core, OOP, and asynchronous programming. Additionally, I've been learning the basics of JavaScript, along with HTML and CSS.
After all that, I'll start a 5,000-line project called 'Games Of Terminal', which will take a few more months. Currently, I'm working on a handmade website hosted on a VPS, with 2 sub-domains for hosting my web pet projects, and the main domain where you're reading this text. For more information about my projects, visit projects page.

Python Developer by Hexlet (11 month, e-certificate, en)

Python OOP by Stepik (2 month, e-certificate, en)

Async Python by Stepik (1 month, e-certificate, en)

About Me

I genuinely love programming , the concept itself. I can't emphasize enough how much I want to be a pro in Python, learn C, Rust, or Go, build my own compiler, or a wild-style OS (it even sounds so fun). I'm a very ambitious person since I've finally gotten rid of useless fears and put in a huge amount of work on my mindset, so I'm not joking about the OS, lmao.

I know that a deep understanding of the field is crucial, and a master's time is valuable. I am exceptionally quick to adapt and prefer a complex task to a simple one. I understand the significance of skills, and I'm not one to argue with someone who possesses them. Instead, I prefer to ask questions to grasp their viewpoint, express my perspective, and find the best solution.

I haven't had the privilege of diving into programming since I was a kid. I'm 27 years old and just getting started - that's the truth. It's funny, but I don't feel sad about it because hard skills can be earned through struggle, but the scale of thought, stable curiosity, and intellectual ambitions might not be.

I'm excited to work with great people, experience exponential skills growth, create valuable solutions for humans, and strive to be a good person. If you need someone like that, I'd be really happy to work with you.

Oh, I almost forgot about the most critical part, my hobbies. I love walking, painting, and playing my little sweet ukulele. I also love learning languages: English and Korean are my favorites. Although, to be honest, lately I've been spending less time on it because of studying.

That's all.
Thanks for reading, and a big saranghae!